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Are Indians Patriotic?

After I bought my car, one of the first things which was fixed in the interior of my car as a decorative was a Ganesh Idol - that was gifted to me by my dealer itself. The next thing which I wanted to buy was the Indian flag - I finally bought it when we visited the Wagah border.

After I had put up the flag in my car, I started noticing the interiors of other cars on the road, and found that almost 80% of cars had similar Indian flags in their cars. Then yesterday (which was Republic Day), I found that even auto-rickshaws had flags pinned up inside.

This led me into thinking as to whether this "flag thing" indicates that we Indians are a patriotic lot and whether after 60 years of independence, we have shrugged our apathy towards the nation and started taking pride in being Indians.

Well ... I really can't say. To the skeptic, this could as well be because car accessory stores have flags as a decorative or say hawkers coax you into buying these at traffic signals, and finaly because you saw the flag in some other car, you also wanted it in your own (herd mentality - something too common in us Indians)

A more mixed/midway reason could be that we Indians are emotional - not necessarily patriotic. Now, someone might say that patrotism is an emotion and so being emotional and patriotic mean the same in context of the country. Well ... lets not get all punctilious here ... I guess everyone gets the point of what I mean by emotional but not patriotic.

What do you think? What is the reason we Indians have flags posted inside our cars or on our bikes? 


  1. Hi we are leats patriotic.Its just a token on like one day an year.A real indians flies the flag high everyday through his actions.
    my blog

  2. Well..i guess it is usually to get appreciated. Some might really do it out of patriotism, while some might consider that it looks grand, while some might do it so that people speak great about that person. Either way, we must feel happy that people have not gone so bad that they consider the flag to be out of fashion or something ..

  3. How far would you go for your country???

    To make singing of National Anthem & National Song a Daily Practice in all colleges of India
    Sign The Petition -

  5. Mahatma Gandhi, the great man, who helped us achieve independence. He started the great Swadeshi Movement cause he cared about his nation. What about us, "Do we care??????" . This is the question I asked myself. I always wanted to wear a foreign brand jeans as everyone did. This gave me a sense of pride. But today when I see my Indian economy. I feel its my choice of goods that is causing my India to be where it is today, we were known as a developing nation since ages now. Its high time we should be among the top countries, but how can we achieve it. By choosing Indian goods. We should be proud , when we are wearing Indian products. We earn so much today but still we feel its not enough, have you ever thought about it. Just think about the products we use since our day starts, most of them are foreign products, the best part is we are paying much higher then the costing of the product. The product is made in India. However , what we pay, goes to the foreign countries, as a brand royalty.

    "KRANTI JEANS" --- This thought came up in my mind, in the month of February. I was working then, in an MNC as a service quality assurance manager. I was earning more then what is considered to be a decent salary. But I felt it was never enough. That's when I looked back and saw what is causing it. Its the downfall of Indian economy as compared to other countries. I blamed the government for it in the beginning. Later on I realized, I in fact my choice of goods has caused it. I was like any other youngster, who was brand conscious. Then I realized we don't even have a choice of good quality Indian products. "KRANTI JEANS" is my effort to provide a brand value to all my Indian brothers and sisters who care about our nation, are brand conscious and want to get a quality product at an affordable price.

    I am launching an online shop on the 15th of August on the day we got our Independence,hoping to bring a revolution to help my country. I am doing my part. I am not a big entrepreneur. But I hope I can do something for the nation.

    Visit us at and place your order to be a krantikari today


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