Corporate India and Changing Face of TerrorismKPMG in India conducted a survey with over 60 companies in India, with the objective of assessing their level of preparedness in the wake of this emerging threat of terrorism. These organizations were from various sectors and the majority of them had an annual turnover of over USD 150 million.You can check out many other Thought Leadership publications by KPMG-India on our website In case you need any other inputs or have feedback, feel free to leave a comment on my blog and I will get back to you. | ![]() |
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Unlike philosophers, journalists and teenagers, the world of entrepreneurship does not permit the luxury of gazing into a crystal ball to predict the future. An entrepreneur’s world is instead made of MVPs (Minimum Viable Product), A/B Tests, launching products, features or services and gauging / measuring their reception in the market to arrive at verifiable truths which can drive the business forward. Which is why I have never written about my musings or hypothesis about travel industry – we usually either seek customer feedback or launch an MVPised version and gather market feedback. However, with Covid-19 travel bans across the globe, the industry is currently stuck – while a lot of industry reports and journalistic conjectures are out, there’s no definitive answer to the way forward. Besides there is no way to test your hypothesis since even the traveller does not know what they will do when skies open. So, I decided to don my blogger hat and take the luxury of crystal gazing...
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